My Favorite Baby Gift For The Momma Who Has All The Necessities
HARTLEY'S DRESS: Jennifer Ann / HEADWRAP: Jennifer Ann / MOCCS: Sweet N Swag
MY DRESS: WAYF / WEDGES: Sam Edelman / NECKLACE: Dogeared / BRACELETS: here, here, and similar here / RINGS: Benevolence LA
Swooning!! Can't even tell you how much I love this company! I’m someone who loves unique and personalized items. I don’t like to have what everyone else has, and when I found this company, I was squealing inside, because it is perfection!
With my first baby, Hartley, we were so concerned with buying all the necessities…the high tech, top of the line everything...that I didn't buy as much "special" fun girlie products. I spent months analyzing the best of the best, and the necessities of what we truly needed. Still a lot of people like to buy special items off the registry, and I wish everyone who does so, knew about this company Jennifer Ann, because ahhhmazzing!
This is my absolute favorite product for the mom who has all the necessities, or for anyone looking to buy off registry items, or for second, third babies, etc. These, also make the most perfect holiday and birthday gifts to give!! Every holiday would be made more joyous, for any momma who received this as a gift! Actually, don’t even wait for someone to give it to you, design what you want, and order it for yourself, you will squeal too when it arrives.
Jennifer Ann customizes items such as blankets, footed one pieces, sleeping gowns, dresses, leggings, bibs, beanies, changing pad covers, crib sheets, and burp cloths. They seriously have the best designs/patterns to coordinate with either a printed or scripted version of your child’s name, in whichever color you choose.
For Grayson, I chose the Personalized Footed Peony One-Piece in size 0-3 month, which I’m so glad, because it was a little big at first, but she can wear it for a few months, and matching Peony Headwrap. I love my babies to be in clothing like this for the first 3-4 months. They are the most comfortable and yummy, snuggled up in a footed one piece, with the fold over hands like this. Every time she’s worn this, I get so giddy and sappy…I mean soooo stinkin adorable! For her big sister Hartley, who was 22 months at Grayson’s birth, I ordered her the matching Personalized Sleeved Peony Dress, in size 18-24 months. I should have sized up to 2T, so she could wear it longer, it’s just in other brands, a 2T was always ginormous. I would definitely size up, as it’s a little short, but I paired it with some shorts and it’s like a long tunic, and still looks adorable…width wise, she definitely has room to grow. She also has the matching Headwrap. Of course she wore them all the time, and now she is obsessing over wanting her hair up in a half pony or pigtails. When we were relaxing at the park above, I thought she would keep it on, hence why her hair is everywhere, with no wrap. Toddler life…they don’t want to wear, what they always wear, when you’d like them to…ha!
I can’t even tell you how much we’ve worn these…The first pics were about 2 weeks after Grayson arrived…Baby H was super busy playing and running around after her daddy. She loves accessories thou…loves wearing my bracelets and carrying my bag around her neck…this is her signature style…bag around neck…she cracks me up, until my lovely Louis hits the ground, and then I’m like ummm, not nice…ha!
This past weekend, we took the kids to the train park…it was Grayson’s first outing and I was debating on whether to take her in public yet. I figured since it was in such an open air space not many germs could reach her, and fresh air is always lovely. Hartley is beyond obsessed with sunnies lately. She needs to be wearing or carrying them at all times…ha…such a little Diva…I love her!! A girl after my own heart…her momma is sunnies obsessed too. However, it’s all fun and games, until you need to go home…or actually just getting off the train ride, or the merry go round, or the play gym, was heart breaking for my little H. It’s like she doesn’t yet realize we will be back over and over again…the fun never ends my love. See below for all our pics from this weekend.
These are literally the best days…and I will save these two items forever for my girls, because how special are they! Love Jennifer Ann!
This link will take you straight to the site where you can buy them directly from Natalie, who is my consultant with Jennifer Ann. is her contact info. She is the sweetest and can help suggest designs, styles, etc, as well. If you buy direct, please mention that Natalie helped you, where it asks, did a Jennifer Ann Royal help you…because she is the loveliest and deserves the credit. Another fabulous idea, is that if you are buying for someone creative and picky like myself, a gift card is another way to go…this way momma can choose exactly what she wants!
Sunday Funday at the Train Park
She was slightly nervous here, before it started, but as we got to moving, she laid back into my arm, and was smiles and cheers the whole time...such a cutie pie...and of course she had to wear her sunnies..ha!
Absolutely loved playing on their playground, which was huge and amazing!
I almost died when I saw Hartley's name on this sign....I mean what are the odds
All smiles for the train with her daddy! Seriously the cutest ride ever!!
We've recently started doing the ice cream thing...
Not the happiest getting off each ride or having to leave...sweet baby...there is always more fun ahead my love!
GRAYSON and HARTLEY'S OUTFIT DETAILS ABOVE: except these shorts, sunnies, and these Gladiators
MOMMA: Top / JEANS: similar / SHOES: here (seriously the most cozy) / SUNNIES: here
Thank you to Jennifer Ann for sponsoring this post. As with anything I share on my blog, it's only brands I truly love, have bought myself, would by myself, etc…this platform is for me to share my favorite things with all of you.